
"Only non-sports people think there is anything erotic about a locker room"

Listen to the full interview above Neil Francis' comments about gay people in sport has caused p...

20.54 17 Feb 2014

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"Only non-sports peopl...

"Only non-sports people think there is anything erotic about a locker room"


20.54 17 Feb 2014

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Listen to the full interview above

Neil Francis' comments about gay people in sport has caused plenty of debate. 


Former NBA player John Amaechi, who came out in 2007 shortly after his retirement, knows exactly what it is like for gay people involved in a professional sports environment.

Tonight, he spoke to us about the locker room experience for a gay athlete in an elite sport.

"The truth is that anytime you can't be authentic in your workplace and anytime you are thinking about hiding anything, there is energy required to keep that hidden," said Amaechi.

"My experience in the longer room was that it was a workplace. Even though many of my team-mates knew I was gay, it just wasn't a factor because this is a workplace. This is where we come to celebrate when we do well and this is where we come to console each other when we don't. In my experience, it's only people who don't play sport at a professional level who think that there is anything remotely erotic about a locker room. I played in some of the nicest arenas in the world and when you win, you just want to shower and get out of there and when you lose, you just want to shower and get out of there!"

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