When it comes to the real annoyances in life Irish people don’t complain enough, according to Shane Coleman.
“Why do Irish people hate complaining so much?” he asked Newstalk Breakfast.
A new thread on Reddit invited Irish people to let out all their pent-up frustrations and safely air their complaints in the comment.
Shane noted many users said Irish people are “bad at complaining”.
“Particularly compared to other nations,” he said. “The Dutch and the French would probably top the complaining list."
The 'Karen effect'
Presenter Ciara Kelly said Irish people are “a bit funny” about complaining thanks to the ‘Karen effect’.
“That's where the whole Karen meme or trope comes from,” she said. “If a middle-aged woman complains, she's a Karen and that's a terrible thing.
“If we are saying we should be complaining, why is it that we knock people who do?

“I'm not a great complainer - I'm more of a ‘let things slide’.
“[But] I let things slide and I'm kind of cool and kind of trundle along – unless I get annoyed.
“Then the shrew is released from its cage and then I’m a force to be reckoned with.
“But I let the little things slide.”
Complaining gracefully
Shane said the key to complaining whenever you need to with no shame is to simply be polite about it.
“I think if you're not polite, you lose the argument straightaway,” he said.
“I would pride myself on not putting up with bad service or a bad product – but you have to be polite.”
Ciara asked if Shane would complain if he went to a restaurant, ordered a steak cooked rare but it came out medium or well-done.
Shane said he absolutely would, but “again, politely”.
“That steak probably costs €35, €40,” he said. “So absolutely.”
Ciara was impressed with Shane’s confidence – and hopes to use it in the future.
“I’m going to go out with you because I’m going to give you my steak to send back.”