
Joe Biden in Ireland: US President visits Co Louth

President Biden was to originally travel from Dublin to Louth by helicopter, but the bad weather meant that plan had to change
Jack Quann
Jack Quann

17.26 12 Apr 2023

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Joe Biden in Ireland: US Presi...

Joe Biden in Ireland: US President visits Co Louth

Jack Quann
Jack Quann

17.26 12 Apr 2023

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Updated: 20.00

US President Joe Biden has been touring Co Louth after travelling there by motorcade.

He was due to visit the graves of his ancestors, but this has been cancelled because of the weather.


President Biden was expected to go from Dublin Airport to Louth by helicopter, but the bad weather meant he went by road instead.

The car he travels in - known as 'The Beast' - travelled with a motorcade of around 30 vehicles on the M1.

Traffic disruption was not as bad as initially feared with Gardaí managing to keep it moving.

President Biden's first stop was a tour of Carlingford Castle, where he met with Tánaiste Micheál Martin.

US President Joe Biden at Carlingford Castle in Co Louth with Tánaiste Michael Martin US President Joe Biden at Carlingford Castle in Co Louth with Tánaiste Michael Martin. Picture by: Julien Behal/Pool

He then travelled to Dundalk where he has been partaking in a walkabout in the town centre.

He is also due to spend some time in a local pub.

In a previous visit in 2016, as US Vice-President, Louth County Council bestowed Mr Biden with the Freedom of Co Louth.

He remains the only individual to hold this honour.

President of the United States Joe Biden getting selfies while visiting Dundalk in Co Louth President of the United States Joe Biden getting selfies while visiting Dundalk in Co Louth. Picture by: Sam Boal/

Bus Éireann has warned customers of potential disruption on some routes.

It said there will be some diversions on services between Dublin and Dundalk, Navan, Fairyhouse Cross and Wicklow on Wednesday and Thursday due to the road closures to accommodate President Biden's visit.

Customers are being asked to check the service updates section of the Bus Éireann website, and to allow additional time for their travel.

"We particularly advise customers travelling on routes 100X, 103X, 105X, 133 and 133X to plan their journeys in advance as there will be some changes to stops," the company said in a statement.

This includes no services to Merrion Row, Merrion Square, Merrion Street, Leeson Street and Westland Row in Dublin.

US President Joe Biden meeting people while visiting Dundalk in Co Louth. Picture by: Sam Boal/

President Biden is expected to travel back to Dublin later by motorcade via the M1 southbound, but there is no firm time of when that will happen.

On Thursday he will address a Joint Sitting of the Houses of the Oireachtas and attend engagements in Dublin.

US President Joe Biden leaves Dublin Airport by car after arriving on Air Force One from Belfast. US President Joe Biden leaves Dublin Airport by car after arriving on Air Force One from Belfast. Picture by: PA Images / Alamy Stock Photo

This will include meetings with President Michael D Higgins and Taoiseach Leo Varadkar at the Phoenix Park.

He will then travel on to Co Mayo on Friday, where he will give a public address in Ballina.

Reporting by: Sean Defoe and Ben Finnegan 

Main image: US President Joe Biden arrives on Air Force One at Dublin Airport from Belfast on his four-day trip to Ireland. Picture by: PA Images / Alamy Stock Photo

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Bus Eireann Carlingford Castle Dublin Dublin Airport Heavy Traffic Joe Biden Joe Biden In Ireland Louth M1. Motorcade The Beast

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