‘Fitfluencers’ who film themselves exercising have been urged to show “some common decency” towards their fellow gym users.
For most people, the gym is a place where they go to relax before or after a long day at work.
For others, it is the opposite - the gym is the office and many people who work in the fitness industry want content of themselves for social media.
“Tripods seem to be popping up everywhere with fitfluencers filming themselves doing squats and lunges,” Sunday Times columnist Roisin Kelly told Newstalk Breakfast.
“Unfortunately, that involves other people trying to use the gym and ending up in the background of the videos.
“They’re doing various things because they’re making content for social media and these aren’t fitness industry professionals, they’re ‘fitfluencers’ - people who look in great shape and do use the gym but want to film themselves doing it for content.
“It’s difficult because everyone else just wants to use the gym.”

Many gyms set out in their terms and conditions whether the rules of filming but some patrons routinely flout them.
“[They] have guidance that says if you’re filming in the gym and there is anyone else in your video, whether that’s intentionally or by accident, you need their permission to film in the first place,” Ms Kelly said.
“You also need their permission if you’re going to post that video on social media.
“However, from what I see on my feed and from what I see going on in the gym, it’s very hard to police that.
“There’s also supposed to be rules like no taking pictures in the changing rooms but people always take pictures in the mirror of a changing room.
“So, how can they really be enforcing it apart from telling people, ‘Hey, put your tripod down?’”

The result in many gyms is tension between ‘fitfluencers’ and those who simply want to work out without ending up on the internet.
“Now it’s become a thing where they’re filming someone being rude in the gym,” Ms Kelly said.
“Telling someone, ‘You’re in my shot, you’re ruining my video’ - and they then create content from that.
“There’s videos of people getting into arguments in the gym because if you’re filming that’s your problem.
“If someone walks through your shot by accident to go and get a bit of equipment, it’s a gym at the end of the day.”
Ms Kelly described the balance as especially “tricky” given how many people depend on content creation to create a brand for their career.
“So, I think it’s for the gym to go up to people and say, ‘Hey, you can’t set up a tripod there because you’re getting literally everyone else in the gym in your shot,’” Ms Kelly said.
“I suppose everyone else needs to have some common decency and respect for each other too.”
A 2018 report by Deloitte and Europeactive estimated there are 500,000 gym members in Ireland.
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Main image: Fitness trainer. Picture by: Alamy.com