
'Does this go far enough?' TikTok to label AI and deepfake videos

TikTok will soon label content that has been doctored before being uploaded.
James Wilson
James Wilson

13.09 13 May 2024

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'Does this go far enough?' Tik...

'Does this go far enough?' TikTok to label AI and deepfake videos

James Wilson
James Wilson

13.09 13 May 2024

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TikTok will soon label content that has been doctored before being uploaded.

The announcement comes amid rising concern about the easy spread of deformation through online platforms.

Speaking on Newstalk Breakfast, tech correspondent Jess Kelly said it will provide viewers with important context about the content they consume.


“We know that AI, deepfakes, altered images, doctored audio - it’s very prominent on social media these days,” she said.

“Sometimes it’s done in jest, sometimes it’s done to poke fun at somebody and sometimes it’s done to change a narrative.

“Whether that is the political landscape, in the sporting landscape or the entertainment world, there’s an awful lot of doctored images appearing.

“TikTok now at source, when you upload content that has been generated with AI, it’ll put a label on it, to help you know that this is doctored or altered in some way.”

However, the label will only be added if the content you upload has been created on another platform.

“Say, for example, you edit a video on your laptop or on your phone, you use some form of AI on it and then you upload it to your TikTok and then you put it out into the world, a label will appear to alert people viewing your content that it was generated with AI,” Jess said.

Other tech companies are also worried about the increased use of AI and considering how their platforms can adapt to it.

“We’re seeing the likes of Meta partnering with different organisations to try and identify different content that’s been generated by AI,” Jess said.

“And again, label it where possible.

“Google has announced that AI labels are coming to YouTube.

“So, bit by bit, we are getting there but I do think that this is a gargantuan task and AI is only part of the problem."


Despite this, Jess believes AI is “not the entire problem” and noted the new rules do not tackle the most pernicious form of content of them all - false information.

“I am concerned,” she said.

“Does this go far enough? Also, doctored images are only one part of misinformation.

“If you open your TikTok now, you will see people in their gardens, maybe in their dressing gown, talking to the camera and spouting misinformation.

“We’re getting so conscious of AI - which we absolutely should - but we can’t forget the basic principles of right and wrong, truth and fiction.”

Main image: The TikTok app on a smartphone screen.

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