
Assange can’t be a traitor ”“ he is Australian.

Peter Carey is one of three authors in the world who has won the Booker prize twice. His new book...

15.29 12 Nov 2014

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Assange can’t be a traitor ”“...

Assange can’t be a traitor ”“ he is Australian.


15.29 12 Nov 2014

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Peter Carey is one of three authors in the world who has won the Booker prize twice.

His new book tackles the murky world of cyber hacking and is titled ‘Amnesia.’

It is his 13th novel and is available in all good book shops.


The novel is built around an epic cyber-hack by Gaby, a young woman from Melbourne.

She infiltrates a system that frees prisoners from American and Australian prisons. 

Subsequently she becomes the US Government's public enemy number one.

Carey is acutely aware of how topical this subject matter is and draws comparisons with real life hackers like Julian Assange, Edward Snowden and Bradley Manning.

“Assange is without doubt a really important person in world history.”

In Amnesia, left wing journalist Felix Moore is commissioned to write the book that could save the life Gaby who is facing extradition to the United States.

He is forced to answer, did Gaby Bailleux, whose Angel Worm took down the Australian prison system, understand that she would be declaring cyber war on America?

Carey has written in many different styles and covers a wide breadth of themes in his work, Sean asks about his method of creating these worlds.  

 “With a novel, it is a two or three year journey – the thing that makes me happy at the end is that I found these characters that I never knew in my life, it is magical to me and impossible that they can even exist in my mind let alone anyone else’s” 

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