
As staycation prices surge how we can incentivise holidays at home?

A week in Greece or a weekend in Galway? Pre-pandemic the answer might have been clear, but as m...

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07.55 7 Apr 2022

As staycation prices surge how we can incentivise holidays at home?

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07.55 7 Apr 2022

A week in Greece or a weekend in Galway? Pre-pandemic the answer might have been clear, but as more of us enjoyed staycations over the last two years than ever before, the question now is less do you want to holiday in Ireland, but can you afford to?  For more on this Johnathan spoke to Megan Virgo who is a Freelance Travel writer for the Irish Daily Mail.

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#newstalkbreakfast #newstalkfm Ciara Kelly Holidays At Home Incentivise Johnathan Healy Newstalkbreakfastnt Shane Coleman Staycations Staycations Prices Summer Holidays Summer Holidays Abroad

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