It’s never “okay to call someone fat”, Mr Motivator has said.
The fitness guru has hit the headlines in recent days with his comments about weight and whether it is okay to comment on a person’s body size.
Speaking to The Hard Shoulder, Mr Motivator set the record straight.
“I never ever said that it’s okay to call someone ‘fat’,” he said.
“What I did say is that in 1992, I was sitting in a reception in GMTV and a gentleman walked in and I got up, walked over and I prodded him in the belly.
“I said, ‘Excuse me, you need to sort that out.’
“In 1992, that was acceptable - that’s not acceptable now.”
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He did add that he believes all people should “accept the skin you’re in”, no matter what they look like.
“In African countries - and the Caribbean countries - if you see someone and they’re overweight, you can call them ‘fluffy’,” he said.
“You can call them anything you like, they don’t care.
“If they’re tall, you can call them ‘lanky’.
“If they’ve got no teeth in their head, you call them ‘gumington’.
“No one takes objection to it because if you accept the skin you’re in, it doesn’t matter what people say to you.”
Mr Motivator said “we all need to get fitter” and that size should not be a barrier to living an active lifestyle.
“If you’re happy in your skin, if you’re happy being 20 stone, why not be a fit 20 stone?” he said.
“Because if you’re a fit 20 stone, you’re likely to live much longer than someone who weighs the same and doesn’t exercise.”
Mr Motivator believes modern society has become “lazy” and is concerned about the pressure that puts on health services.
“Our diabetes problem is huge, it’s going through the roof,” he said.
“Every single medical establishment is overrun with people with conditions that can be resolved just by us moving our bodies.”

Mr Motivator said it is important people stop “taking our health for granted” and make a plan to stay fit.
“Unless you’ve got a medical condition, there is something you can do about your health and your fitness,” he said.
“That’s what I’m talking about, your general health and fitness.
“We sit and we watch television for hours; we don’t get up and go for a walk.”
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Main image: Mr Motivator.