
Extra time in Leaving Cert for dyslexic students ‘not an unfair advantage’ 

“Only a small number of students qualify for the DARE scheme."
Ellen Kenny
Ellen Kenny

10.38 20 May 2024

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Extra time in Leaving Cert for...

Extra time in Leaving Cert for dyslexic students ‘not an unfair advantage’ 

Ellen Kenny
Ellen Kenny

10.38 20 May 2024

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Allowing dyslexic students extra time in Leaving Certificate exams is not giving them an “unfair advantage”, according to campaigners. 

The State Examination Commission (SEC) has warned giving dyslexic students extra time in exams could have “unintended consequences”. 

SEC Chief Andrea Feeney said some students may “use” the extra time to “gain an advantage”, clarifying she does not mean students with “special educational needs”. 


Dyslexia Association of Ireland CEO Rosie Bissett said the group is “very disappointed” with the response from the SEC. 

“It shows they really have a lack of understanding about the complexity and significance of dyslexia for students,” she told Newstalk Breakfast. 

She noted that other countries and universities in Ireland offer extra time to dyslexic students for exams. 

“Why is it impossible to fathom doing that for our second-level students?” she said. 

Leaving Cert students with dyslexia currently have access to a scribe, laptop and reader. 

They also can avail of the DARE scheme which reduces the number of points required for CAO courses. 

Ms Bissett pointed out, however, that these services are rarer than people imagine. 

“We're far from a situation where things are skewed in the favour of those with dyslexia and other learning difficulties,” she said. 

“Only a small number of students qualify for the DARE scheme for third-level. 

“There is nothing in our education system where all students with dyslexia qualify – you have to have it to a severe degree to get it.” 

Help for dyslexic students

Countries that allow additional time for dyslexic students also offer scribes, laptops and readers, according to Ms Bissett. 

She also pointed out that most students do not get a scribe or reader and only receive a waiver on spelling and grammar in language exams. 

The campaigner said the SEC has an “obligation” to make exams more accessible. 

“Certainly, [in] the language... it’s almost implied that you’re trying to gain the system,” she said. 

“People are just trying to have the playing field levelled for them.” 

A petition to introduce time accommodations for dyslexic students currently has 30,000 signatures. 

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Dyslexia Dyslexia Association Of Ireland Exams Extra Time Leaving Cert State Examinations Commission

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