A further 365 confirmed COVID cases have been announced this evening.
Last night, there were 51 coronavirus patients in Irish hospitals – up two on the same day last week.
There are still 14 patients in intensive care.
The Chief Medical Officer Dr Tony Holohan said the Delta variant now accounts for more than 70% of Ireland’s cases.
“While this variant continues to present a threat, those of us who are fully vaccinated can have confidence in their vaccine and should feel comfortable meeting with other fully vaccinated people in all settings,” he said.
“Unfortunately, the Delta variant continues to present a risk to those of us who are unvaccinated or waiting for a second dose of vaccine - we need to continue to follow the public health advice - manage your contacts, avoid crowds, wear a mask, wash your hands and most importantly get your COVID-19 vaccine when it is offered to you.”
The HSE continues to be impacted by the recent cyberattack and the daily case figures “may change due to future data review, validation and update.”
The COVID-19 five-day moving average in Ireland has fallen to 467.

It comes as the Taoiseach warns that NPHET will not be changing its advice on indoor dining “anytime soon.”
Representatives of the hospitality industry met with Government officials this afternoon to discuss ways to reopen indoor dining on July 19th.
One option under consideration is a self-regulated vaccine pass system, with pubs and restaurants asking customers to produce a letter proving they are fully vaccinated.
Meanwhile, the Transport Minister says Ireland is on track to roll out the new EU international travel cert in two weeks’ time.