'Full Secs' is an ongoing animation challenge being curated by London-based studio Animade. The goal is for animators to submit a five-second microfilm - a one-second animation 'sandwiched' between a title card and an end slate.
Some are strange, some surprisingly clever and most are rapidfire gags that are over before you even get a chance to realise what's actually happening.
The challenge has been running since September 2012, and as the project approaches its one-year anniversary hundreds of videos have already been submitted.
Here are five of the best.
Iceberg by Mantas BaÄiuška
Breaking Dad by Zerox
To Kill a Mockingbird by Philip Vetter
Shredder by Jonathan McKee
Mexican Ice Cream by Brad Purnell
(Main image from Iceberg by Mantas BaÄiuška)