
Is the next new Star Wars movie a prequel to the 1977 original?

[Tumblr] When the new Star Wars movie premieres on December 18th, 2015, the next official movie ...

16.56 25 Nov 2014

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Is the next new Star Wars movi...

Is the next new Star Wars movie a prequel to the 1977 original?


16.56 25 Nov 2014

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When the new Star Wars movie premieres on December 18th, 2015, the next official movie in the canon won’t actually be a sequel in the form of Episode VIII. With that one scheduled to be made by Looper writer/director Rian Johnson, the next Star Wars on the slate is a standalone spin-off scheduled to be helmed by Godzilla director Gareth Edwards.


With a planned released for December 16th, 2016, not much is known about the movie – not even rumours of a title. But now some plot details have started to surface online, and it promises to be the Star Wars movie we’ve always wanted.

While as yet unconfirmed, Slashfilm is reporting that the 2016 film will be about the ultimate space heist – capturing the plans to the Death Star that were referenced all the way back in 1977’s original movie, A New Hope. The very plans that Princess Leia programmed into R2-D2 before sending the beeping bot off to find Obi Wan.


But it actually gets even better – the rumour mill says the people trying to complete the heist aren’t members of the Rebel Alliance, but a disparate group of mercenary bounty hunters. As Slashfilm says, “think the Seven Samurai or Suicide Squad meets Ocean’s Eleven in the world of Star Wars.”

The rumour also links the Millennium Falcon to the movie, with fanboys and girls thinking this could finally bring the legendary Kessel Run to screen. The movie will feature a character from Episode VII, currently in production under the title The Force Awakens, expected to be Max Van Sydow’s bounty hunter, Montross.

While it all remains conjecture at this point, the force is strong with these rumours…

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