
Could Ireland come a cropper over cattle?

Ivan examines the issue of the agricultural sector influencing climate change

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18.19 13 Feb 2019

Could Ireland come a cropper over cattle?

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18.19 13 Feb 2019

Figures from the UN Food and Agriculture Association suggest that, far from being one of the most carbon-efficient dairy countries in Europe, that we are the most carbon-intensive beef producer and one of the highest carbon counts when it comes to the dairy herd too. The Department of Agriculture, however, disputes these numbers.

There was a flare up in the Dáil last week between Deputy Mick Wallace and the Minister for Agriculture Michael Creed over the agri-food sector, which Wallace compared to fracking for its short term financial gain and longer term cost in terms of carbon emissions.

Earlier on the Hard Shoulder, Ivan spoke to John Gibbons, An Taisce’s Climate Change Committee spokesperson and Eddie Punch, Irish Cattle and Sheep A General secretary to discuss the issue of carbon emmissions and the agri-sector.


Read more about

Agriculture Beef Cattle Climate Change Dairy Farming

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