
Israel confirms airstrike against Syria

Israeli officials have confirmed that the country's airforce have carried out a strike against Sy...

09.10 4 May 2013

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Israel confirms airstrike agai...

Israel confirms airstrike against Syria


09.10 4 May 2013

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Israeli officials have confirmed that the country's airforce have carried out a strike against Syria and say it targetted a shipment of advanced missiles.

The airstrike took place overnight on Thursday into Friday, just as Israel was flying many warplanes over Lebanon.

Israel carried out a similar attack on a weapons convoy in Syria in January - as the country believed the arms were en route to Hezbollah militants in Lebanon.


The news comes just hours after the US President Barack Obama said he's not planning on sending U.S troops to Syria.

Washington revealed last week that it thought President Assad had used chemical weapons - but said the intelligence wasn't clear enough.

Mr Obama says the claims need to be examined carefully:


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