
School re-openings: Action over positive coronavirus cases 'a grey area'

A school principal says the issue of what to do in the event of a positive coronavirus case is st...
Jack Quann
Jack Quann

11.50 19 Aug 2020

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School re-openings: Action ove...

School re-openings: Action over positive coronavirus cases 'a grey area'

Jack Quann
Jack Quann

11.50 19 Aug 2020

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A school principal says the issue of what to do in the event of a positive coronavirus case is still "a grey area".

Principal Kenneth Dennedy, of Scoil Iosa in Ballyhaunis, Co Mayo, says they are preparing to welcome students back next week.

But speaking to Newstalk Breakfast reporter Sarah Ruane, he said some areas are still outstanding.


"We're re-opening with the staff next Monday and we have a preparation day on Tuesday, the junior infants come in Wednesday and then we're full steam ahead on Thursday.

"Well, that's our plan anyway".

"There's a huge amount of changes made around the school.

"Whereas previously all the children would come in the front door, unfortunately now we have to divide the school into zones.

"So what we have in this area here is the infant zone, and those children will be entering from one entrance which is at the bottom end of the school.

"Within the zones then, we have these so-called bubbles which will be each of the classrooms.

"Those classrooms will be sub-divided into pods".

In the event of a child displaying symptoms, he said: "The child is taken out immediately and isolated from their class.

"They are taken to an isolation room in the school, which will be where the staff room was - because obviously we can't use the staff room with social distancing now.

"And what we'll do is try to be as non-threatening and really to keep it as natural as possible, but we will call the parents immediately, the parents will have to come into the school, the child will have to be removed from the school until they're tested and found to be either negative or positive".

In the event of a positive result, he was asked if the entire class would be isolated.

"That's where it's a grey area at the moment, and that's where we're really going to have to get in touch with the HSE".

Eileen McGuinness is a parent of one of the students returning to the school.

She said: "My biggest concern is come September/October is the sniffles and the colds.

"This naturally happens, that's where 'will it all fall apart' and how we can control that".

Her daughter Siofra said she took up several hobbies over the summer, including painting and baking.

"It was good the first few weeks, but I think I got very bored towards the end of it."

Asked what she was most looking forward to going back to school, she said: "I think it's actually like the interaction with the teachers and my friends and the class.

"It's a lot easier learning in a classroom than by yourself at home, I think".

School re-openings: Action over positive coronavirus cases 'a grey area'

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Main image by Katie Phillips from Pixabay 

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Ballyhaunis Co. Mayo Coronavirus Kenneth Dennedy Newstalk Breakfast Restrictions School Re-openings Schools Scoil Iosa

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