
Savita inquest opens in Galway today

An inquest into the death of Savita Halappanavar will re-open in Galway today following a one day...

05.38 8 Apr 2013

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Savita inquest opens in Galway...

Savita inquest opens in Galway today


05.38 8 Apr 2013

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An inquest into the death of Savita Halappanavar will re-open in Galway today following a one day preliminary hearing last January.

The 31-year-old had a miscarriage at Galway University Hospital and died four days later on October 28th last, having contracted septicaemia and E. coli.

The inquest is scheduled to last at least a week and will hear from hospital staff who treated Savita Halappanavar in her final days.


More than 50 statements have been compiled but as few as 16 witnesses may be called before coroner Dr Ciaran MacLoughlin

Experts such as the former master of the National Maternity Hospital Dr Peter Boylan are also likely to give evidence.

A week before Savita's death on October 28th, the 31 year old dentist presented at Galway University Hospital with back pain and was found to be miscarrying.

Her husband Praveen, has said their repeated requests for an abortion over 3 days were refused because the foetus had a heartbeat and they were told 'this is a Catholic country'.

A draft report by the HSE into the death found too much emphasis was placed on the foetus, rather than the Mother.

New abortion laws

Meanwhile, the Government is to publish new abortion laws in July.

At the moment doctors must treat an expectant mother and her unborn baby as equals. but medical intervention is allowed to save the life of a woman in limited circumstances.

It's claimed there's been confusion over the laws - and that the new regime will provide clear procedures.

Last year an expert group report recommended a combination of regulations with legislation to be introduced to provide legal clarity to doctors.

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