Pet behaviourist Suzi Walsh appeared on Lunchtime Live to answer listeners’ questions about their animals.
One pet owner has recently welcomed a red setter and Alsatian cross into their home but feels they still have a lot of training to do.
“He gets so excited when let out in the morning,” the listener wrote.
“When he sees people, he keeps jumping up on everybody just to say hi.
“I can’t stop him from being so boisterous. What do you recommend?”
The advice
Ms Walsh said the dog is young and has plenty of time to learn good behaviour.
“That’s an eight-month old dog, so that’s what we would call an adolescent or a teenager,” she said.
“So, full of life and I would love that dog because that dog is pro-social, so likes people.
“That’s much better than that dog going to bite people - so, that’s a good thing.”

Instead, Ms Walsh recommended positive reinforcement for good behaviour.
“What you want to do is teach your dog a behaviour that’s counterintuitive to jumping,” she said.
“So, lots of reinforcement for sitting, lots of recalls to ‘sit’ and lots of keeping your dog on the lead if visitors are coming over so they can’t jump up.
“And lots and lots of rewards for sitting, lying down - such as praise, treats and petting.
“Go over and give the dog a cuddle.”
Ms Walsh said dogs need to learn exactly what humans think is good behaviour.
“If you’re only giving attention or interaction when the dog is being excited, that’s what the dog is going to learn,” she said.
“If they flip it and… encourage behaviour when he’s really calm, you’ll end up with a really, really calm dog.”
Main image: A happy jumping dog in the countryside. Picture by: