The issue of hidden homelessness is currently affecting 32,500 households across the island of Ireland, according to a new poll.
Commissioned by the Simon Communities of Ireland and Simon Community NI, it found many people are being forced to sleep in cars, office buildings, or on friend’s sofas.
‘Hidden homeless’ is a term used to describe those who may be considered homeless but are now living on the streets or in emergency accommodation.
The poll found that 3.3% of households in Northern Ireland and 3.8% in the Republic of Ireland have no alternative but to live in a variety of situations.
Loss of home from the private rental market was the most common reason for experiencing hidden homelessness, with 40% citing this in the south and 37% in the north.

Simon Communities Ireland Executive Director Wayne Stanley said the survey results “must lead to action”.
“What we know, and this poll confirms again, is the fact that a supply of secure affordable homes will allow us to make huge inroads on homelessness,” he said.
“In the Republic of Ireland, three in ten people (31%) currently experiencing hidden homelessness said their household had that experience after losing their home in the private rental market because the landlord was selling up or wanted the property for their own use.
“We also know that half of those having this experience are not contacting their local authority for support; this suggests that there is more we can do to reach out to this cohort.”
Simon Community NI Chief Executive Jim Dennison said action is needed or else “more and more households will be forced into homelessness due to social and economic factors”.
Some 83% of those who experienced hidden homelessness said it lasted for longer than six months.
The official number of people registered as homeless in Ireland last month was 12,259 – of which, more than 2,500 were children.
Main image: A man sleeping on a couch. Image: John Goodlife / Stockimo / Alamy Stock Photo