Ahead of Simon Harris being elected Taoiseach, there are rumours ministers such as Helen McEntee might be appointed a new portfolio.
The new Fine Gael leader will be officially nominated Taoiseach when the Dáil resumes on April 9th.
With a promise from Mr Harris to “reset” Fine Gael, there are reports there will be a Cabinet reshuffle – with senior members such as Justice Minister Helen McEntee and Enterprise Minister Simon Coveney in the firing line.
While Ms McEntee has said she wants to remain in the justice portfolio, moving her could be seen as a rehabilitation for Fine Gael.
Business Post Political Editor Daniel Murray told The Anton Savage Show Ms McEntee will likely not be dropped from Cabinet completely.
“There's some suggestion of her being rotated into another cabinet position out of the Justice Minister,” he said.
“Maybe higher education, which is where Harris was himself.
“This is when you get into the permutations and combinations and who’s for the up and who’s for the down.”

The departure of Leo Varadkar, according to Mr Murray, could give Fine Gael an opportunity to distance itself from its “Dublin-centric” perceptions in a reshuffle.
“Harris does have to consider geographical spread,” he said.
“There are other non-Dublin possibilities as well, the likes of Peter Burke being appointed to Cabinet.
“I think Burke [is] being tipped possibly for a justice role.”
Mr Murray warned, however, that too much change could do the party more harm than good this close to a general election.
“Even though powers will want to shake things up a bit, continuity is also important,” he said.
“There's one year max left in this government - [it could be] too much of a shake up, too many new ministers into new briefs where they have 12 months to read themselves into their briefs before they're kicked out.”
Ministerial reshuffle
Mr Coveney has also been tipped to see a career change, although coming from a family of politicians could complicate his future.
“Possibly he wants to be in politics for life,” Mr Murray said. “We're all assuming just because he's reached the end of a particular political cycle, 13 years in Cabinet.”
If elected, Minister Harris will become the youngest Taoiseach in the history of the State at the age of 37.
In the year ahead, he faces the challenge of rounding up support for Fine Gael ahead of the next general election.
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