There were 43 work-related deaths across Ireland last year.
The Health and Safety Authority (HSA) said of the 43 workers who died, 53% were self-employed and 51% were workers aged over-55.
The HSA said this year's statistics indicate a "continued high level" of fatalities in farming and construction with 16 and 11 deaths, respectively.
Both of these sectors account for over two-thirds of all fatalities in 2023.

The work-related deaths in these sectors relate to high-risk work including working with vehicles and falls from a height.
Working with vehicles (13 deaths) and falling from a height (11 deaths) were the leading causes of work-related fatalities in 2023.
Of the fatalities recorded last year, 39 were men and four were women.
County Cork accounted for the highest records of deaths, at seven, followed by Dublin (five) and Co Kerry (five).
Mark Cullen, HSA Assistant Chief Executive, said everyone has a responsibility to reduce workplace deaths.
"Although we welcome the decrease in work-related fatalities rates in the last 10 years, we still see a continued high level of fatalities in certain sectors," he said.
"Farming, a high-risk sector, continues to account for the highest number of fatalities with over half of victims aged 65 and over.
"We know many farmers are self-employed and often work alone.
"Therefore, there is a clear need for them to consider the work they plan on carrying out themselves, and where they may need assistance from qualified and trained workers, ensuring the appropriate risk assessments are completed in advance of the work being carried out.
"The self-employed, along with all duty holders and employers, have a responsibility when it comes to health and safety.
"Last year we saw that the self-employed accounted for over half of all reported fatalities.
"Undertaking risk assessments and making sure the appropriate controls are in place are critically important to ensuring a safe workplace and will undoubtedly protect workers," he added.
In the last decade there has been a decrease in the rate of fatalities from a rate of 2.8 per 100,000 workers in 2014 to 1.6 in 2023.