Having a positive attitude to life can add as much as seven-years to your lifespan, a GP has said.
Dr Mark Rowe has written a book, Things Your Future Self Will Thank You For, that details how to make a number of small changes to your life that will have a big impact in the long-term.
Changes to your diet and increasing the amount of exercise both mean you have a greater chance of living a longer, healthier life - but so too can a positive mindset.
“Perhaps 90% of all heart disease can be prevented through lifestyle changes, 80% of type 2 diabetes can be prevented through lifestyle changes,” Dr Rowe told The Pat Kenny Show.
“Lifestyle changes can have a significant positive effect on mood and mental health and preventing depression - even preventing memory loss and dementia as we get older.
“Even having a positive view of ageing can enable you to live seven-years longer.”

Dr Rowe said it is never too late to shake things up and take up healthier habits.
Even if you do not feel the impact straight away, it can be transformative in the medium to long-term
Giving up cigarettes, for example, can cut your risk of contracting cancer within just a few short years.
“Five-years from now, your risk of heart attack will be down to that of a lifelong non-smoker,” Dr Rowe said.
“Your risk of stroke will be back to a lifelong non-smoker, your risk of lung cancer is significantly reduced.
“You’ll be feeling so much better, you’ll be more energised - you may even have a few extra bob in your pocket.”

Dr Rowe gave the example of a hypothetical patient who came to him with back pain.
They might be expecting him to prescribe them medicine, instead he would offer them advice about their lifestyle.
“What I’d be saying is, ‘Well, imagine five-years from now, if you took up yoga and you had a much stronger spine, a much more flexible back. Imagine how proud you’d be of having had the courage to start that yoga practice?’” he said.
“It’s this idea of putting yourself into the future, having made the positive change and looking back and then saying, ‘How do I begin to bridge that gap in very, very small ways that are achievable, realistic, that I will enjoy and that will make a difference?’”
The HSE recommends at least 30 minutes of “moderate intensity activity” five times a week.
Main image: A happy older woman. Picture by: Alamy.com