
Morning top 5: Increase in calls to Dublin Rape Crisis Centre last year

More than 13,000 people contacted the Dublin Rape Crisis Centre about sexual abuse last year. The...

06.38 16 Jul 2019

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Morning top 5: Increase in cal...

Morning top 5: Increase in calls to Dublin Rape Crisis Centre last year


06.38 16 Jul 2019

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More than 13,000 people contacted the Dublin Rape Crisis Centre about sexual abuse last year.

The organisation runs the National 24-hour helpline, and it received nearly 13,400 calls in 2018 - up 4% on 2017.

The centre's annual report also shows face-to-face therapy appointments were up 7%.



Four US congresswomen targeted by Donald Trump have hit back.

It comes after attacks by the US president that have been widely accused of being racist.

Ayanna Pressley - joined on stage at a press conference by fellow progressives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar and Rasida Tlaib - urged Americans to "not take the bait" and instead focus on combating Trump's policies.

The press conference attended came hours after Mr Trump doubled down on his comments during a press conference at the White House.


The advocacy group representing women affected by the CervicalCheck scandal says its relationship with the HSE has been damaged by the latest controversy.

Last week, it was revealed an IT glitch at a US lab led to 800 women not receiving their results.

A rapid review has now been launched by the HSE to shed light on circumstances around what happened, with the HSE CEO expecting a report by August 2nd.

The 221+ Patient Support Group spokesperson Stephen Teap welcomed the independent review, but said the HSE's failure to make the group aware of the issue was wrong.


The Minister for Climate Action says the Government aims to learn from mistakes of its predecessors when it comes to tackling climate change.

It has announced a board of top ranking civil servants will ensure targets set out in the Climate Action Plan are achieved.

The board will meet regularly and have to present a report on departments' performance to Cabinet every quarter.


Today marks 50 years since the launch of Apollo 11 - the mission which put man on the moon.

The spacecraft took off from the Kennedy Space Center, and a few days later two of its crew members - Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin - landed on the lunar surface.

Main image: File photo, Sasko Lazarov/

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Apollo 11 CervicalCheck Climate Plan Donald Trump Dublin Rape Crisis Centre Morning Top 5

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