The pass rate at a driving test centre in Cork was nearly twice as high as one centre in Dublin last year.
There's a 37% difference between the areas with the highest and lowest pass rates.
Ballincollig test centre in Cork had a pass rate of 75% last year - the highest in the country.
Carnmore in Galway was next highest, at nearly 68%.
Three other centres had rates above 64% – one in Birr in County Offaly, another at Clifden in Galway and a third at O'Loughlin Gaels in Kilkenny.
The two centres with the lowest pass rates were in Dublin - one in Mulhuddart (38%) and another in Charlestown (39%). Editor Shane O'Donoghue said the figures suggest it is easier to pass in some areas than others.
“The potential scene we are seeing here is that there is disparity in terms of, maybe, a rural/urban divide,” he said.
“So, some of the test centres in bigger urban areas seem to have a lower pass rate, whereas those in a rural area with smaller populations seem to have a higher pass rate.
“I just wonder is it just easier to pass in some areas than others.”
The average pass rate across all centres last year 53%, meaning just over one in two people who sat the test in 2022, passed.
Below are the pass rates for every centre in the country.