Employers need to take a more “sympathetic” view towards women with “debilitating” menstrual symptoms.
Financial Services Union Senior Industrial Relations Officer Mandy LaCombre carried out a survey in March about menstrual health and said the results were “staggering”.
“96% [of women] said that they would welcome a menstrual health support policy in the workplace,” she told Newstalk Breakfast.
“Nine out of 10 think that menstrual health affects the work in your life - which is no surprise to us that is the case - any working woman would agree with that.”
Most women said they were uncomfortable discussing menstrual health with managers and one in five said periods were joked about in their workplace.
Ms LaCombre said she would “really like employers to talk to us about implementing and communicating a proper menstrual health policy”.
“That would include training for managers on medical conditions as well as painful menstrual symptoms; things like endometriosis.
“Things that our members are saying, ‘Our periods are worse when we have these and they’ve got really debilitating side effects.’
“So, a bit of training around that and a bit of education around that.”

Ms LaCombre said employers need to make “reasonable accommodations” for women with conditions that have “severe debilitating symptoms”.
“But also taking a look at ensuring that absences related to menstrual medical conditions don’t trigger performance improvement plans or attendance improvement plans,” she said.
“So, it’s different to you and I ringing in the odd time and saying, ‘I’m not well’ or ‘I’m sick today.’
“Most employments, in fact I’d struggle to find any employment, that wouldn’t be having a look at that sickness absence.”
Ms LaCambre said she did not want every woman to have extra time off every month, merely “a sympathetic view” towards those who do.
Main image: Sick woman with abdominal period pain. Picture by: Alamy.com