
The party pledges at a glance

These are the policy pledges and stances of the parties who could be in the mix to form a coaliti...

10.48 13 Apr 2015

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The party pledges at a glance

The party pledges at a glance


10.48 13 Apr 2015

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These are the policy pledges and stances of the parties who could be in the mix to form a coalition after the General Election on 7 May.

The main parties:

The Conservatives


Health: Ring-fence the NHS budget and meet the health service's funding needs in full by providing £8bn a year of funding by 2020.

Immigration: Four years before migrants can claim benefits like tax credits.

Education: Protecting schools budget and creating three million apprenticeships

Housing: 100,000 new homes for first-time buyers and extending Help to Buy to 2020.

Energy: Backing for nuclear power and shale gas extraction.

Welfare: Freezing working-age benefits for two years from April 2015 and lowering benefits cap to £23,000.

Inheritance Tax: Family homes will be taken out of inheritance tax by introducing a new allowance which effectively increases the threshold for tax to £1m.

Tax: Pledge to raise income tax threshold to £12,500.

Defence: After severe cuts, no more reductions in the size of the regular Army. Trident to remain.

EU Referendum: Pledged an in-out referendum in 2017.

Transport: Rail fares frozen in real terms for five years.

Volunteering: Fifteen million people will be able to take three days' paid leave a year to do voluntary work


Health: Guaranteed GP appointment within 48 hours, a dedicated midwife before and after childbirth, and prioritise mental health issues. Extra £2.5bn a year funded through 'mansion tax'.

Immigration: New migrants to get no benefits for at least two years and tougher border controls.

Education: A drop in the tuition fee ceiling from £9,000 to £6,000 annually.

Housing: Building 200,000 homes each year by 2020, with rent reforms banning letting fees.

Energy: Freezing gas and electricity bills until 2017 and reform the energy market.

Welfare: Give working parents 25 hours of free weekly childcare for three- and four-year-olds.

Tax: Will scrap non-dom status. Also plans to crackdown on tax-dodgers, hoping to cut avoidance and evasion by at least £7.5bn a year.

Defence: A commitment to renewing the Trident nuclear deterrent.

EU Referendum: No referendum pledge unless significant treaty change proposed by EU.

Economy: The minimum wage would rise to £8 an hour over the next five years

Liberal Democrats

Health: Extra £1bn each year for the NHS with a priority on mental health

Immigration: Exit checks at borders and English language tests for Jobseekers' Allowance

Defence: Push to reduce the number of Trident nuclear submarines

Education: Guaranteed qualified teachers, with a curriculum set by independent experts

Housing: Build 300,000 houses a year by 2020 and cap rent increases. A Help to Rent scheme to help young people leave home with a government-backed loan. A Rent to Own scheme in which first-time buyers can build up a share in their home through renting

Welfare: Withdraw free TV licence and Winter Fuel Payment from 40% taxpayers and a ‘yellow card’ system for benefit claimants who break rules

Tax: Have set out their tax plans, promising "light at the end of the tunnel" with moves to eliminate Britain's deficit by 2017/18.

Energy: Legal targets for clean air and water to be introduced, plus a full charging network for electric cars

EU Referendum: Support a referendum on whether Britain remains an EU member next time there is a large new treaty proposal. Support Britain remaining in the EU

Online privacy: A Digital Rights Bill to protect people's data


Immigration: Supports a Canadian-style citizenship system to attract high-skilled immigrants

Health: Cut NHS bosses by a quarter and meet the £8bn funding requirement through increases in government spending

Defence: Campaign for the removal of Trident submarines from Scotland

Education: Keep tuition fees at zero in Scotland and build and refurbish schools

Housing: Oppose the bedroom tax and help to build new homes

Welfare: Extend paternity leave while protecting benefits for older people in Scotland

Energy: Wants better support for marine renewables and a nuclear-free future

EU Referendum: Wants Scotland to have a veto over a future referendum on EU membership

Economy: Increase minimum wage to £8.70 per hour by 2020

Plaid Cymru

Immigration: Push for the closure of detention centres and allow asylum seekers to work in Wales while waiting for case decisions

Health: Hire 1,000 doctors in Wales and increase research and development funding

Defence: Pass an act to support health of military personnel

Education: Compulsory foreign language GCSE and teach more Welsh history and culture

Housing: Written tenancy agreements to be compulsory. Oppose the bedroom tax. A VAT cut for the construction industry to 5%

Welfare: Living pension for those aged 80 or over, and no means testing for child-related benefits

Energy: Reduce emissions by 40% below 1990 levels by 2020. Opposition to nuclear power stations in Wales

EU Referendum: Agreement with the SNP that each UK nation should have its own vote


Immigration: Australian-style points policy system and a priority lane for UK passport holders

Health: £3bn extra each year for the NHS paid for by EU withdrawal. Visitors and migrants must have medical insurance

Defence: Deport any migrant who has committed a terrorist act, create a Veterans Department and spend 2% of GDP on defence

Education: Scrap sex education lessons for the under sevens and have more grammar schools

Housing: Protect greenbelt land and have local referenda for major planning decisions

Welfare: Child benefit for first two children only, increase Carers' Allowance, scrap bedroom tax

Energy: Abolish Department of Energy and Climate Change and scrap green energy subsidies

EU Referendum: Key policy is in-out EU referendum


Immigration: Non-dangerous illegal migrants allowed to stay in the UK if they have been here for five years or more

Health: End to all types of NHS privatisation and promotion of tobacco and alcohol products

Defence: Immediate and unconditional nuclear disarmament, limit military so adequate to ensure security "but no more"

Education: End performance-related pay, abolish SATS, and raise school starting age to six

Housing: Build 500,000 social rented homes by 2020 and scrap Right to Buy

Welfare: Citizens' Income of £72 a week paid whether someone is in work or not, ban zero-hours contracts and scrap welfare cap

Energy: Insulation for all, investment in renewable energy, and ruling out nuclear and gas power

EU Referendum: Referendum on membership is backed by the party

Transport: Cut rail fares by 10% and spend £30 a head on walking and cycling measures

And the other parties:


Immigration: "Colour-blind" points-based immigration system weighted to Commonwealth countries

Health: Raise pay for NHS staff and introduce free care for the elderly

Defence: Campaign against war, abandon Trident nuclear programme, and withdraw from NATO

Education: Abolish tuition fees and give free school meals to all children

Housing: Comprehensive programme of council house building and end to Right to Buy scheme for council homes

Welfare: Stop using Atos as benefit claim assessors, and introduce a living wage

Energy: Invest in alternative energy and support public investment in home insulation

EU Referendum: Hold an in-out referendum on Europe during the next parliament

Sinn Féin (Refuse to take their seats in Parliament)

Immigration: No policy position

Health: Wants extra money for health services and backs free at point of use NHS system

Defence: Party believes in Irish neutrality

Education: Supports the rights of the Irish language community in the education system

Housing: Opposes bedroom tax and wants a programme to build new homes

Welfare: Opposes austerity and the "welfare cuts agenda"

Energy: Opposes fracking and supports exploring alternative energy sources

EU Referendum: Wants separate referendum in Northern Ireland

Democratic Unionist Party

Immigration: Supports tightening immigration laws

Health: Increase care in the community while cutting hundreds of millions of pounds of alleged waste in the NHS

Defence: Wants a commitment to maintain defence spending

Education: Remove cap on number of students in Northern Ireland and create specialist technology institute

Housing: Introduce a register for private landlords, and fund new builds while maintaining existing social homes

Welfare: Simplify the social security system and pilot automatic payment of benefits

Energy: Aim to secure 40% of energy from renewable sources by 2020

EU Referendum: The party supports an EU referendum

Alliance Party of Northern Ireland

Immigration: Ensure UK holds up its obligations to look after refugees, and have rational immigration debate

Health: Reduce reliance of accident and emergency services and focus on illness prevention

Defence: The party opposes Trident’s renewal

Education: Additional funding for children on free school meals and sex education in schools

Housing: Create a free and cheap insulation programme and put together an affordable homes programme to help first-time buyers to buy a home

Welfare: Repeal the bedroom tax

Energy: Develop a climate change act for Northern Ireland and invest in renewables

EU Referendum: Supports UK’s continued EU membership and opposes any membership referendum

Social Democratic and Labour Party

Immigration: Committed to international co-operation and the principle of free movement of citizens

Health: Has a plan for shorter waiting times and more hospital beds. Opposes privatisation

Defence: Will continue to vote against unnecessary military intervention abroad

Education: Improve parent choice for early years education with more funding for nurseries and primary schools

Housing: Supports increasing the supply of social housing. Wants a private landlord register

Welfare: Generally backs the welfare state to eradicate poverty

Energy: Sceptical about whether fracking should be allowed. Supports renewable energy investment

EU Referendum: Pro-Europe and against an in-out EU referendum

Ulster Unionist Party

Immigration: Zero-tolerance approach to racism coupled with a "transparent and fair" immigration policy

Health: Offer mental health solutions and improve access to GPs and support for the elderly

Defence: Secure implementation of military covenant in Northern Ireland and grow the reserve and cadet forces

Education: Supports a single education system for all religions

Housing: Wants a mortgage-relief scheme and incentives for house building

Welfare: Improve the accuracy of benefit eligibility assessments, and support the working poor

Energy: Increased penalties for fuel laundering and exploiting renewable energy sources

EU Referendum: Believes the relationship between the UK and EU should be reviewed and renegotiated

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