
Status Orange wind warning issued for Cork amid nationwide Yellow warning

A Status Orange wind warning has been issued for Co Cork, while a Status Yellow warning is in pla...

15.32 18 Dec 2019

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Status Orange wind warning iss...

Status Orange wind warning issued for Cork amid nationwide Yellow warning


15.32 18 Dec 2019

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A Status Orange wind warning has been issued for Co Cork, while a Status Yellow warning is in place for the rest of the country.

Met Éireann warned that Atlantic storm system Elsa will track nortwards this evening, causing gusts of 80 km/h to 120km/h in Cork.

The warning will be in place in the county for three hours from 6pm until 9pm tonight.


Meanwhile, a Yellow wind warning for all other counties is currently in place until 3am on Thursday morning.

Gusts could reach speeds of up to 110km/h and are expected to peak this evening and tonight.

The winds are expected to be stronger in west and south west coastal areas.

The national forecaster also issued a Status Yellow rainfall warning for eight counties.

It is in place for Carlow, Kilkenny, Wexford, Wicklow, Cork, Kerry, Tipperary and Waterford until 7pm this evening.

Heavy rain of up to 40mm is expected with the risk of localised flooding.

Met Éireann says that conditions will be wet and windy in most areas this afternoon with southeast winds increasingly strong and gusty.

It will be very windy this evening and early tonight, but winds will gradually ease overnight.

Rain will clear northwards early tonight with lowest temperatures of 4 to 8 degrees.

Tomorrow will see outbreaks of rain with the best of any bright spells in the west of the country.

In the east, the rain may turn heavy during the afternoon and evening with highest temperatures of 7 to 10 degrees.

Main image: File photo of storm weather in Ireland. Credit: Sam Boal/

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Met Eireann Rainfall Warning Status Yellow Weather Forecast Wind Warning

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