Recognising Palestine does not mean recognising Hamas - Micheál Martin 

“We've been very consistently calling for reform of Palestine.” 
Ellen Kenny
Ellen Kenny

10.27 22 May 2024

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Recognising Palestine does not mean recognising Hamas - Micheál Martin 

Ellen Kenny
Ellen Kenny

10.27 22 May 2024

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Tánaiste Micheál Martin has said the decision to recognise Palestine as a State is not a decision to legitimise Hamas. 

The Government announced earlier this morning it would take steps to recognise the Palestinian on May 28th. 

The decision was made, according to the Tánaiste in coordination with Norway and Spain, who will also announce their recognition today. 

Mr Martin said this decision, as Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz suggested, shows that “terrorism pays”. 

“Recognition does not involve recognition of a government, it's recognition of a State,” he told The Pat Kenny Show.

“That applies to every State that we recognise around the world. 

“Our policies and diplomatic engagement can very much evolve in criticising Governments 

“We've been very consistently calling for reform of Palestine.” 

Hamas is a terrorist organisation which has been strengthened by “Israeli strategy and policy”, according to the Tánaiste. 

“We see this [recognition] very much as endeavouring to implore moderation,” he said. 

Working with Palestine

Mr Martin explained the recognition of Palestine involves upgrading Palestinian representatives to that of an official embassy rather than a “mission”. 

He noted that Hamas, who governs the Gaza Strip, does not form part of the Palestinian authority in Ireland. 

Instead, Mr Martin emphasised the role of the leaders of the ‘State of Palestine’ declared in 1988, including newly-appointed Prime Minister Mohammad Mustafa. 

“I spoke to [Mr Mustafa] yesterday,” he said. “They have an ambitious programme for reform. 

“There is a clear mood now that in the aftermath of this war, that there will be a technocratic Government installed in Gaza, that would administer and govern Gaza. 

“The agenda will be on the reconstruction of Gaza [and] a new Government needs to come in.” 

Israeli Ambassador recalled

Mr Martin said he was disappointed to see Israeli Ambassador to Ireland Dana Erlich recalled for “consultations” following the announcement. 

“I anticipated this would happen,” he said. 

“We have to stay firm and focused – I believe in diplomacy. 

“Diplomatic channels are needed most of all in a time of crisis... it’s simple and easy to just end relations but I’m not sure what it achieves.” 

He also noted other nations that have closer ties to Israel such as the US were aware of Ireland’s plans to recognise Palestine. 

“They would take a different approach but there is an understanding of our genuine commitment to peace,” he said. 

The Tánaiste emphasised the main path to peace between Israel and Palestine is through a two-State solution based on the 1967 borders agreed upon by the United Nations. 

He noted that rather than Gaza being governed by Egypt and the West Bank being governed by Jordan, Palestine should be run by the Palestinian people.

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