Samantha O'Connor's husband, Darren, is suffering from Long COVID since contracting it in October 2021.
Darren has since been diagnosed with Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome, which is when inflammation attacks different organs.
His family are trying to get him a bed at the National Rehabilitation Hospital 18 months on.
Mrs O'Connor told Lunchtime Live he is aware of what's happening.
"We're just waiting for him to get into the NRH hospital, desperately waiting," she said.
"I go up most days to see him in the hospital - me and his family and his friends.
"He's quite cognitive so he understands what's going on".

Mrs O'Connor said they both caught COVID-19, despite being vaccinated against it.
"We both contracted COVID in October 2021, and it wasn't until the November that he actually became ill," she said.
"We both recovered, we both went back to work after our 10 days.
"I remember it was a Friday and he wasn't well.
"He called me and he said, 'Can I call in sick into work?' and I said 'Of course you can, what's wrong?'"
'Sent to A&E immediately'
Mrs O'Connor said he had a very high temperature - which hit 42° at one point - and was not keeping food down.
"On the Monday morning I got him to go to his GP, and his GP sent him to A&E immediately because he had a very high heart rate and very high blood pressure," she said.
She said the hospital was unable to lower his temperature and he was put into ICU.
"When me and his mam went up to ICU... they actually came in and told us they had to put him into an induced coma, because all his organs were failing".
'I didn't see him for a month'
Mrs O'Connor said he was then moved to a respiratory ward at Beaumont Hospital.
"I didn't see him for a month because there was a lot of COVID in the hospital at that stage," she said.
"Finally when I went back to see him, it would have been the January, he was in St Martin's Ward for about 10 months.
"He didn't wake up straight away... you could put your hand in front of Darren's eyes and he wasn't following you.
"So he didn't wake up properly from the coma.
"He was tried on a lot of drugs, to try and wake him up, and one of them worked.
"He moves his head only, he can't move his arms or his legs".
'They don't have enough nurses'
Mrs O'Connor believes Darren, who uses a respirator and communicates through an assistive computer, should be at the NRH.
She said he was meant to be there since last year.
"He was accepted last August... they need a special bed for him, a ventilator bed," she said.
"I believe they got that... what I'm told, maybe two months ago, was that they don't have enough nurses yet for him.
"We're waiting a long, long time," she added.
A GoFundMe page has been set up to help with expenses related to Darren's recovery.
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