Drivers are facing the second hike in motorway toll charges in less than a year.
Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) has confirmed that it is increasing tolls on the Dublin Port Tunnel and the M50.
The body has also agreed to toll hikes on the eight national roads that are run under public-private partnership.
For M50 and public-private partnership roads most car tolls are increasing by 20c per journey.
Meanwhile, Heavy Goods Vehicle tolls will go up by 30c to 50c per journey.
The increase will depend on the type of vehicle and whether a person is using a tag, a video account or is unregistered.

Meanwhile, Dublin Port Tunnel charges for cars are increasing from €10 to €12 during peak hours.
TII said the increase is "to preserve capacity for heavy goods vehicles accessing Dublin Port."
The TII added that the decision to increase tolls was also made "for the purpose of collecting toll income to fund TII's protection and renewal activities".

The TII has said that tolls on the eight public-private partnership roads are "primarily a matter for the PPP companies and their funders".
It said it is "not entitled to interfere in this process".
The new public-private partnership tolls will apply across the M1, M7, M8, N6, the N25 at Waterford and N18 Limerick Tunnel.

There are 10 toll roads on the National Road Network.
Eight are operated under a public-private partnership model and two are operated directly on behalf of TII - namely the M50-eFLow barrier free toll and the Dublin Port Tunnel.
The increases had been touted to kick in in the New Year as far back as June.