
Gay King Penguin couple have become fathers

Two gay King Penguins are making headlines across the globe after they adopted a penguin egg. The...

13.00 12 Nov 2012

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Gay King Penguin couple have b...

Gay King Penguin couple have become fathers


13.00 12 Nov 2012

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Two gay King Penguins are making headlines across the globe after they adopted a penguin egg.

The Odense Zoo, home to the penguin couple noticed the pair was a couple about 12 months ago.

The nameless fathers would try to disturb and steal the eggs of other penguins unsuccessfully.


A female penguin from the same zoo mated and produced an egg before abandoning it for another penguin.

King Penguins are usually monogamous but this worked in favour for the homosexual duo.

The test:

The zookeepers were cautious to leave the egg with the two dads so they carried out a number of exercises to test their parenting abilities.

One of these tests included leaving a ball that looked like an egg with the penguins. The zoo said they cared for the make-shift egg and were natural parents.

“With King penguins, they mix it between the male and female. One stands with the egg while the other goes to feed and then they shift. It was the same with this pair. They both incubated the egg.”

The happy ever after:

The egg hatched about a month ago but the sex of the offspring will not be known to humans for about eight months when the chick grows adult feathers.

The zoo’s new family have been temporarily separated from the main penguin quarters while they form a familial bond.

“Penguins recognize their offspring by their distinctive cries, indistinguishable to humans, and this trio are no different.”

This is not the first story of same sex penguins raising a new born. Chinstrap penguins in New York’s Central Park Zoo, Humbolt penguins in a German zoo and Toronto Zoo’s African penguins have triumphantly managed to hatch and raise eggs.

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