
Fianna Fáil re-iterates opposition to governing with Sinn Féin

Fianna Fáil's Thomas Byrne says the party will not reconsider their pledge not to enter a coalit...
Jack Quann
Jack Quann

09.06 9 Feb 2020

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Fianna Fáil re-iterates opposi...

Fianna Fáil re-iterates opposition to governing with Sinn Féin

Jack Quann
Jack Quann

09.06 9 Feb 2020

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Fianna Fáil's Thomas Byrne says the party will not reconsider their pledge not to enter a coalition with Sinn Féin.

It comes after the three biggest parties saw their support on 22% each.

The Ipsos-MRBI exit poll had Fine Gael, Sinn Féin and Fianna Fáil all on 22% support.


Deputy Byrne, who represents Meath East, told Newstalk Breakfast it is early days.

"I think he's ruled them out for quite some time, and that's not going to change".

Asked about what alternative there may be, he said: "We have to wait and see what way the ballot boxes go and what way the seats go as well.

"And I think what's going to happen in this election as well is that a lot of seats are going to be decided on last count."

"The most important thing, once the seats are decided is that a government is formed".

"Let's wait for the seats - but I think a government has to be formed that's going to finally get to groups with the issue of health and housing.

"I'm hopeful that Fianna Fáil will do better than the exit polls shows".

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Coalition Exit Poll Fianna Fáil GE2020 Newstalk Breakfast Sinn Fein Thomas Byrne

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