
Calls for more education support for children in care

The Children's Ombudsman is calling on the government to address the deficits in support for chil...

11.55 7 May 2013

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Calls for more education suppo...

Calls for more education support for children in care


11.55 7 May 2013

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The Children's Ombudsman is calling on the government to address the deficits in support for children in care to achieve their educational outcomes. 6,300 children are currently in the care of the state.

A study by the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) in conjunction with the office of the Ombudsman and the Children’s Research Centre, Trinity College found that while children in care can have positive experiences in schooling many face significant challenges in pursuing their education.

It says people providing education may not know that a pupil is in care which can make the experience more difficult for children.


"Education of Children in Care in Ireland: An Exploratory Study" made a number of interesting findings - in particular, it says, the lack of adequate information which means that it was not possible for the authors to generate a clear profile of attendance, participation and attainment rates in education among children in care or to compare them with the general population of children.

While noting that children in care can have positive experiences of and outcomes in education when they receive the requisite supports, this study underscores that children in care can face "significant challenges to pursuing their education, including attitudinal barriers, placement breakdowns, inadequate care planning and review, and shortfalls and delays in assessment".

In addition to highlighting the need to establish a mechanism fordata collection, the report also makes a number of recommendations, including:

  • the development and implementation on an inter-agency basis of a joint action plan focused on strengthening educational opportunities for children in care
  • the preparation of information and training materials that build capacity among carers and professionals to assist children in care with their education
  • the implementation of specific approaches and measures by both education and care professionals that can directly and indirectly support attendance, participation and attainment in education by children in care
  • the mainstreaming of opportunities for children in care, and their carers, to express their views in the context of decision-making processes about issues that affect them, including care planning and review and matters concerning children’s education

Children's Ombudsman Emily Logan says there have been cases where teachers have committed to assisting children in care to achieve their education outcomes but the system has failed to provide the necessary support.

And she says it is shocking that there is no information on the educational outcomes of children in care. She spoke to Breakfast here on Newstalk.

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