Fine Gael TDs and Senators say Ireland should follow New Zealand's example in their approach to a net zero emissions target by 2050.
The members of the Oireachtas Climate Action Committee also say that food production must be treated differently.
TD Marcella Corcoran Kennedy and Senators Tim Lombard and Michelle Mulherin said Ireland should be following the example set by New Zealand.
New Zealand, like the EU, is aiming for net zero carbon emissions by 2050.
However, methane has been excluded and assigned a separate target for reduction by between 24% and 47%.
Deputy Corcoran Kennedy said: "This is a sensible approach, which recognises that agriculture and food production is different and must be treated as such as we look to meet our climate challenge.
"It is also in line with the recently published advice of the Climate Change Advisory Council.
"This is a model that we should be looking at here in Ireland as our agricultural profile is very similar to New Zealand."

Senator Lombard said: "This is about recognising our herd profile and ensuring that as we move towards a greener climate that rural Ireland experiences a just transition.
"Irish farmers have shown that they are willing and able to adopt green farming practices and we should be encouraging this approach rather than creating fear among farmers about moving towards a more sustainable model.
Senator Mulherin added: "We must ensure that we do not take too blunt an approach to the issue of greening our food production process.
"If we treat agriculture in the same way as transport or energy and simply cut back on production then we risk offshoring our food production to countries who do not have such ambitious emissions targets.
"We will always need food production, and there is an international demand for Irish produce also. This can be done in a sustainable way."