Advertisement will offer anonymous abusers' details to authorities

The founders of the website where a teenage girl was bullied until she took her own life have sai...

05.27 9 Aug 2013

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05.27 9 Aug 2013

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The founders of the website where a teenage girl was bullied until she took her own life have said they will make her anonymous abusers' information available to British police. 

In an open letter co-founders Mark and Ilja Terebin expressed their condolences at the death of Hannah Smith and said they are committed to helping police uncover the details behind the 14-year-old's suicide. 

"As soon as we heard the news we approached the Leicestershire police and have been speaking to them throughout this week. We are committed to supporting the Leicestershire police in their investigation to ensure that they are able to uncover the true circumstances."


"We ask the press and public to respect that for legal and privacy reasons neither we – nor the police – are able to discuss the circumstances surrounding Hannah’s case any further. We will therefore not be giving any interviews on this subject."

They described most of the site's 65 million users as "happy teenagers" and said that cyberbullying is not unique to 

Hannah Smith was found hanged in her home last week.

The website, which allows users to ask questions anonymously, has been linked to at least four deaths in Britain and Ireland in the past year. 

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