
Northern Lights Day 3

Today began with us all being a little bleary eyed as we'd been out chasing the lights till 4am. ...

16.52 14 Jan 2014

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Northern Lights Day 3

Northern Lights Day 3


16.52 14 Jan 2014

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Today began with us all being a little bleary eyed as we'd been out chasing the lights till 4am. But it's dark here a lot of the time so getting up at 7.30am didn't seem to have the same effect as it does at home. Besides we were all rather excited about what lay ahead. 

We spent the morning husky sleighing in an Arctic wilderness. Our guide for the day was an adventurer by the name of Tore Albrigtsen. Tore was what you might call the 'real deal'; this was a Norweigian Wilderness Guide. Tore previously skied across Greenland and once saved the life of an Irish mountaineer in the Andes. So depending on your point of view he was the right man to take us on a husky ride.

The ride was thrilling. Tore explainied how the dogs have a distinct role in the line of huskies that pull you; some are 'leads' and some are 'swings'. They really are amazing creatures and such is their sense of direction that all a human has to do is essentially stand on the sleigh.


We all agreed that this was a highlight of the trip if not our lives. Speeding through the snow covered mountain trails pulled by trusty husk is a unique and brilliant feeling.

Through all of this high-speed activity we're recording a radio show and making a video so it has been non-stop.
Tonight we once again go and hunt Aurora Borealis. If it's anything like last night we're in for another night of magic in the sky. Stay tuned and online for updates.


 Jonathan riding sleigh 


 Making sure we catch everything 

Tore our tour guide


 Matthieu Chardon our videographer recording video in the tiny sleigh 

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