
WIN €1,000 with thanks to the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission

We have teamed up with the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission to give you the chance ...

07.00 23 May 2024

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WIN €1,000 with thanks to the...

WIN €1,000 with thanks to the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission

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07.00 23 May 2024

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Free, independent mortgage comparison tool that can save you money on your mortgage

We have teamed up with the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission to give you the chance to win €1,000. All you have to do to enter is fill out the form below:

Fill out my online form.


The thought of switching your mortgage can feel overwhelming.

You recall the time it took when you first applied and you think, “let sleeping dogs lie.”

However, the importance of ensuring you are getting the best possible interest rate on your loan cannot be underestimated.

The lower the interest rate, the less you pay in monthly repayments.

Once you take the hard work and confusion out of switching you will sleep better knowing you’re getting the best rate.


Comparison Money Tool

Where do you start?

Knowledge is power, so begin by doing your homework. Did you know the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC) has lots of financial information and a free and independent mortgage comparison Money Tool?

It is a one-stop-shop, comparing the interest rates and features of mortgages from all the main lenders in the market.


This easy-to-use online tool indicates if you could benefit by switching to a better rate.

This means that those of us with a standard variable rate or fixed rate mortgages which are due to expire in the coming months can check all of our options and then consider switching to save money.


Quick and Easy to Use

Start by visiting

Enter your current mortgage information in the fields provided.

The online comparison tool does all of the hard work from there.

You are instantly provided with all your options and told whether or not your household could save money by switching.

mortgage comparison tool mortgage comparison tool

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First Time Buyer Money Mortgage Rate Switching Mortgage

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