
Can nuclear fusion be an answer to safe, renewable energy?

Could Nuclear Fusion and the Iter Project be the answer to our energy needs in the future?

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18.42 4 Aug 2020

Can nuclear fusion be an answer to safe, renewable energy?

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18.42 4 Aug 2020

Imagine being able to call on the power of a star to keep the national grid up and running.

Imagine that there could be a less-polluting form of nuclear power. Now imagine that the whole world effectively clubbed together to try and build a reactor that could make that a reality.

Well imagine no more. Because recently in France, a €20 billion nuclear fusion project, called Iter, entered a 5 year construction phase. The project, funded by the EU, China, Russia, India and the US to name a few, has the potential to revolutionise how we power the world.

Roger Highfield, Science Director at the Science Museum group, joined Mark Cagney to discuss the Iter project and what the implications of fusion energy could be.

Take a listen to the whole interview.

Read more about

Fusion Green Energy ITER Nuclear Energy Power

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