
Owners of defective apartments 'slightly cautious' of new Government scheme

The Cabinet is to approve a scheme to repair Celtic Tiger apartment defects which could cost the State up to 2.5 billion euro. Housing Minister Darragh O'Brien is bringing the memo which will cover fire, structural safety and water caused defects on...

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14.45 18 Jan 2023

Owners of defective apartments 'slightly cautious' of new Government scheme

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14.45 18 Jan 2023

The Cabinet is to approve a scheme to repair Celtic Tiger apartment defects which could cost the State up to 2.5 billion euro. Housing Minister Darragh O'Brien is bringing the memo which will cover fire, structural safety and water caused defects on apartment buildings and duplexes built between 1991 and 2013. It means that the redress scheme for apartments alongside the upcoming redress scheme for those affected by mica could cost the state over 5 billion euro.

Andrea was joined by Pat Montague, spokesperson with the Construction Defects Alliance, Andrew, Sam and other listeners to discuss…

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