New legislation on abortion could be enacted before the summer.
The government announced today that a Bill is to be published next month with a view to having it introduced into law by July.
Irish Authorities have told the Council of Europe that new rules, in line with the judgment on the X Case, will be enacted within four months if passed.
Last year the government decided to introduce legislation and regulations to clarify the law for women and doctors.
Today the Council of Europe -which oversees the European Court of Human Rights - welcomed the indicitive timetable provided and said Ireland has a legal obligation to introduce effective procedures so that women can establish whether or not they are entitled to a lawful abortion.
Last year the government decided to introduce legislation and regulations to clarify the law for women and doctors following the tragic death of Savita Halappanavar in Galway University Hospital, after she miscarried at 17 weeks.
Aodhain O'Riordain of the Labour Party says the document is a long time coming:
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